I love to visit my family as they enjoy their slumber. The peaceful looks and sometimes smiles warms my heart. This morning I opened my eyes to someone staring at me. You guessed it, Princess Helaynah!
Mom says I would get up before everyone else and go to her side of the bed and just start running my mouth. I promise you this girl is just like me.
She loves hard and her feelings are hurt easily. She tries to look all hard but she's an emotional young lady.
Don't make her mad...it takes her some time to get over it.
Don't get her hands or clothes dirty; the world will have to stop until she gets clean.
I get her. She gets me. We have an amazing love.
Lesson: Enjoy the moment
From now on I will appreciate her early morning talks because when she's in college I won't have it.
And yes, I still worry my mom to death as early as five in the morning but it's nothing like being right there...
That's beautiful. If I'm fortunate enough to be blessed with a child, I can only hope we have a bond like that so early.