Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Amazing Love

I love to visit my family as they enjoy their slumber. The peaceful looks and sometimes smiles warms my heart. This morning I opened my eyes to someone staring at me. You guessed it, Princess Helaynah!

Mom says I would get up before everyone else and go to her side of the bed and just start running my mouth. I promise you this girl is just like me.

She loves hard and her feelings are hurt easily. She tries to look all hard but she's an emotional young lady.

Don't make her mad...it takes her some time to get over it.

Don't get her hands or clothes dirty; the world will have to stop until she gets clean.

I get her. She gets me. We have an amazing love.

Lesson: Enjoy the moment

From now on I will appreciate her early morning talks because when she's in college I won't have it.

And yes, I still worry my mom to death as early as five in the morning but it's nothing like being right there...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tears of Joy

Lately I've been extremely overwhelmed with the outpouring of God's Love and Favor over our lives and loved ones. 

I can't help but to think about where I've been, and what God put me through to bring me out. 

I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be used for His Glory. 

I'm honored to carry the load so that others may have a earthly representation what it means to have unwavering faith in the face of great trial.

I praise Him teaching me valuable lessons that I needed to master in order to move forward.

And as we move forward, I cry tears of joy.

Lesson: When God is preparing you for the increase, you better get ready for your test. He wants to be sure you can handle the 'more' that He wants you to have. Some people may need to be removed from your lives...don't fight it. Sometimes you may need to change your location...don't question it.

From now on I will praise Him for my circumstance for I know I'm being prepared for the 'more'.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Go Get It

Hydro spinning after walking a mile Monday, Wednesday and Friday burns about 1000 calories for me.

I get home and my Checkers Bacon Cheeseburger is right beside the OJ. Without thinking, I warmed it.

Then I thought, 'I'm about to eat those calories right now', so I stopped and began making a grocery list full of things I need to do what I need to Fi.

Lesson: If you want to get what you never got, gotta do something that you've never done.

From now on I will....plan my meals until the healthy eating becomes as normal as grabbing that Checkers sandwich.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Stop and Smell the Roses

I took a test yesterday that discussed the 'hurried syndrome' and of course I inferred that it dealt with people chronically hurrying. I'd never heard of it but I see it all the time.

Today one of the children wanted to talk to me about what types of leaves were on a tree and whether the tree was a White Oak or Birch tree. My mind was on being on time and making sure everyone had on their seatbelts.

I didn't realize that my child was applying skills taught in science class at school in his analysis of his natural surroundings. I didn't take the time to synthesize with him. I didn't acknowledge his growth...but I was on time ad everyone arrived safely. Yay me?

Today's Lesson: Stop and Smell the Roses

From now on: I will build in 30 minutes on the front end so that we can take the time for spontaneous exploration and reflection.

Choleric Confessions

I'm a leader.
I need to have a plan. 
Going with the flow is uncomfortable.
I need it to be my way.
I know other ways can work just fine.
I need people to see it my way.
I'm listening, but I can't hear you.
I save all of the meaningful tasks for myself.
No one can give a better party for me than ME.
I don't know everything. I have no problem being wrong.
I like to find the answers to what I don't know.
If you need me I'm there.
If I said I would take care of it, you don't need to worry.
I love hard.
I hurt deep.
Don't lie to me. That's a deal-breaker.
I deserve honesty.
All eyes on me, but don't call my name recognition.
I never get nervous.
Great is not good enough.
I am my worst critic.
Why don't you think like me?
How do you function without a Google Calendar?
I seldom forget and when I do it really irritates me.
I think I'm amazing.
I know you are too.

What are your confessions? What is your temperament? Check out the test which is located on the link. Read the characteristics and return to comment.

Temperament Test